Ten Years Late (Mandarin) – 十年三月三十日

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September 18, 2019
Ten Years Late (Mandarin) - 十年三月三十日 - Episode 01
Mother's Life (Cantonese) - 娘道

Description: Shi Nian San Yue San Shi Ri / Ten Years, Three Months and Thirty Days
A story about six young individuals with different backgrounds and different outlooks who work hard to build a life for themselves in the big city.

Jin Ran gives up his high-paying position abroad for the sake of his love and his dreams. He takes up a job as the Chief Operating Officer of a tourism company and gets reunited with his first love Yuan Lai as he jumps at the chance to pursue her again. Career woman Xu Xin Yi crosses paths with professional gamer Ding Ang to start their lives as a couple but things do not turned out as planned due to an unexpected tragedy. Zhao Cheng Zhi, a lawyer making strides in establishing his own practice, butts heads with intern Shen Shuang Shuang and her bright and bubbly personality brings excitement to his otherwise monotonous life.


39 Episodes
19 September 2019



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