Taming of the Princess – 醉打金枝

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January 2, 2019
The Charm Beneath - 胭脂水粉
The Executioner - 刀下留人


Description: The Princess of the TONG Dynasty elopes away as she wanted to avoid an undesirablemarriage arranged by his father. She wanders around in a complicated squalid place,`CHEUNG LOK FONG’s Here she meets a man who she loves deeply. She is willing tosacrifice herself for his sake. TVB greets the audience with the New Year Drama `Taming of Princess’s KWAN WINGHO acts as the Princess. AU YEUNG CHUN WAH acts as the Princess' husband. Thetwo will greet the audience by presenting this old folk story in a fresh and special way.Princess SING PING (KWAN WING HO) of the TONG Dynasty is born clever andsmart. She is good at both literature and martial arts. However, she has never met anyoneshe deserves to love. The Emperor then arranges her to marry a Prince of the HUI NGAINation. PING is reluctant to marry this Prince. She flees away. She then lives iii acomplicated place, CHEUNG LOK FONG. Here she knows KWOK OI (AU YEUNGCHUN WAH). KWOK is very humourous, interesting, knowledgeable and generous. The Princess and OIhave come across many ups and downs together. They eventually got married afterovercoming many difficulties. However, the palace is a place full of troubles and gossips.KWOK and PING misunderstand each other in the palace. They are even used by the badnobles. KWOK is being sent away. PING is arranged to marry a foreign Prince again. Will KWOK and PING reconcile?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1997
Cast: Esther Kwan, Bobby Au Yeung, Gigi Fu, Marco Ngai, Bryan Leung, Mimi Chu

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