Take My Word For It – 談判專家

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June 3, 2016
The Return Of The Condor Heroes (1983) - 神鵰俠侶
The Challenge Of Life - 人在邊緣

Description: The story follows the lead characters through their experiences as members of the Police Negotiation Cadre (PNC). The PNC is a volunteer unit of the Hong Kong police force specializing in negotiations with terrorist members, partakers of local violence, and individuals contemplating suicide. The whole series is dotted with both large and small cases handled by the story’s heroes and heroines. There is a love square between Pang Kwok-Tung (Bobby Au-Yeung), Kan Kit (Kenix Kwok), Mok Ka-Chung (Moses Chan) and Poon Man-Ching (Winnie Yeung). Bobby Au-Yeung later finds out that Winnie is cheating on him and secretly meeting Moses, Kenix Kwok’s husband. Moses and Winnie leave Hong Kong, however, Moses returns to Hong Kong with the news that Winnie has once again separated from her husband and found another man. Yeung Kwong and Ip Ho-Yan have a comical love relationship, and marry in the end. Eventually, Bobby and Kenix get together. Many problems also happen in Yeung Kwong’s (Julian Cheung) family. He is not his father’s biological son (although he is favoured over his three siblings). Ip Ho-Yan (Annie Man) has a brief relationship with Julian Cheung’s brother, Yeung Hau-Mo (Ellesmere Choi), but it ends when Ellesmere Choi cannot forget his previous girlfriend. Ip Ho-Yan and Julian Cheung start off as beginners learning about PNC. Towards the end, they become professional members of the PNC, and even stop their own instructor, Pang Kwok-Tung (Bobby Au-Yeung) from committing suicide.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2002
Cast: Bobby Au-Yeung, Julian Cheung, Kenix Kwok, Annie Man, Moses Chan, Winnie Yeung, Ellesmere Choi

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