Your Highness – 痞子殿下
1958 0Description: 皇子落難,歷盡艱險,力轉乾坤。百勝國失寵四皇子紀威(周嘉洛飾),遵父命赴歌蓮神國迎娶公主納克溫柔(陳瀅飾),途中遇襲,雙雙墮湖失憶,流落三不管地帶首振鎮。鎮內龍蛇混雜,各幫派覬覦鎮首之位。紀威、溫柔得奕風鏢局大當家裘勇(吳岱融飾)、二當家霍青山(曹永廉飾)好心收留,和鏢師裘千刀(朱敏瀚飾)、霍小妹(王灝兒飾)結為好友。憑藉機智與善心,紀威屢助鏢局化解內外難關。遭謀朝篡位,皇帝紀炯流落首振鎮,大軍壓境,鎮民負隅頑抗,紀威和溫柔可否化險為夷? 類型: 古裝, 喜劇. 演員: 周嘉洛, 陳瀅, 王灝兒, 朱敏瀚, 張頴康, 小寶. 年份: 2022
Your Highness, The Class Monitor (Mandarin) – 班長殿下
1924 0Description: 班长“殿下” / Ban Zhang Dian Xia / “Your Highness” Class Monitor It follows Gu Zi Chen, the rebellious son of a wealthy family, and Su Nian Nian, the competitive student who has to adjust to a school that she never