Tag "The Miracle We Met (Cantonese)"

The Miracle We Met (Cantonese) – 我們遇見的奇蹟

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Description: This drama is about a man dies in a car crash, but awakes with the spirit on another person. He then becomes the head of two families and he agonizes over his two different wives. 同名且同一天出生,但人生經歷截然相反的銀行分行長宋賢哲,與廚師長宋賢哲。二人在同一天遇到交通意外,怎料廚師長宋賢哲的靈魂竟走到銀行分行長宋賢哲的身上。一段奇幻經歷就此展開…… Genre: Fantasy, Romance Stars: