Tag "拳王"

The Ringmaster – 拳王

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Description: 泰拳拳王海正曦於退役之戰力保不敗,慶功後卻為救醉酒女子與人爭執,不久突然身亡。海正藍翻看哥哥正曦的拳賽錄影,發現死因竟跟教練石傲山有關,認定他害死正曦。傲山發展拳館生意,轉型為成功商人,獲電視台著名主播文善言訪問。名媛雷堅為了某種目的,努力在泰拳界中要佔一席位,成為搏擊聯會顧問,遇上傲山產生微妙關係。正藍為還亡兄公道,拜拳王葉迎風為師,並得富家女江家晴及兒時好友石子聰相助,誓要踏上擂台,追擊傲山…… Language: Cantonese Production company(s): TVB Country: Hong Kong Times: 25 Episodes Release Date: 2021 Cast: Li Yaoxiang, Zhang Zhenlang, Yao Ziling, Cai Jie, Huang Ziheng, Zhu Minhan, Lai Weiling, Xu Jiajie, Zheng Zicheng

Gloves Come Off – 拳王

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Description: TONG SAP YAT (Kevin Cheng) is a fascinating Muy Thai boxer. He and his senior KO WAI TING (Kenny Wong) trained boxing far out in Thailand. Because of his moment of greed, he went down the Black Fist path and