Sweet Stranger and Me (Cantonese) – 住在我家的男人

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May 1, 2017
Sweet Stranger and Me (Cantonese) - 住在我家的男人 - Episode 01
The Promise (Cantonese) - 雙生復仇

Description: Hong Na-ri (Soo Ae) is a middle-aged flight attendant who suddenly comes home to find her deceased mother’s husband, Go Nan-gil (Kim Young-kwang), has decided to live in her house. The problem is her mother’s husband is three years younger than Hong Na-ri. Go Nan-gil runs a dumpling shop inherited from his late wife, where the shop and Na-ri’s house are located on a hotly disputed land.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Times: 16 Episodes
Director: Kim Jung-min
Cast: Soo Ae Kim, Young-kwang, Lee Soo-hyuk, Jo Bo-ah, Kim Ji-hoon

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