Super Snoops – 荃加福祿壽探案

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May 15, 2023
Super Snoops - 荃加福祿壽探案 - Episode 01
Night Beauties - 一舞傾城

super-snoops-2011-posterDescription: Inspector SAN CHIU TUNG (Liza Wang) left the police force because of strange case. Instead, she started her own private investigation business. TUNG accidentally encounters three pitiful young men KUNG CHAK LAM (Wong Cho Lam), CHUNG DUK LAM (Louis Yuen) and CHUI SEUI (Johnson Lee). SEUI has a super power to ‘envision the future’. As the three young men have strange abilities like walking through walls and a ‘minute good fighter’, this series will sure bring a lot of laughs. The four of them use their different abilities and disguises to investigate the cases and turn into laughing stocks in the process.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 03 October 2011
Cast: Liza Wang, Wong Cho Lam, Louis Yuen, Johnson Lee, Toby Leung, Aimee Chan, Christine Kuo, Linda Chung,Shek Sau, Wilson Tsui, Ella Koon, King Kong, Tsui Wing, Gill Singh, Brian Thomas Burrell, Eddie Lee, Law Tin Chi, Kiki Sheung
Genre: TV Series, Comedy

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