Super Daddy (Cantonese) – 超级爸B

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October 1, 2019
Super Daddy (Cantonese) - 超级爸B - Episode 01
The Tale of Nokdu (English subtitles) - 조선로코 녹두전

Description: Based on the webcomic “Shoopeodaedi Yeol” by Lee Sang Hoon and Jin Hyo Mi which was published from 2011-Oct-11 to 2012-March-12 via ““.
Doctor Cha Mi Rae (Lee Yoo Ri) have one daughter, Sa Sang (Lee Re). One day, she is diagnosed with a rare cancer and informed she has about one year to live. She then seeks out her first love Kim Yeol (Lee Dong Gun) for marriage proposal. She struggles to turn Yeol into the best father possible for her daughter’s future.
Language: Korean
Country: Korea
Release Date: 13 March 2015
Director: Song Hyun Wook
Cast: Lee Dong Gun, Lee Yoo Ri, Lee Re, Suh Joon Young, Seo Ye Ji
Genre: Romance, Comedy



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