Sumika Sumire (Cantonese) – 逆齡初戀

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December 4, 2016
Sumika Sumire (Cantonese) - 逆齡初戀 - Episode 01
The Sakurazaka Story (Cantonese) - 櫻坂近邊物語


Description: Sumi is 65-years-old and still a single woman. When she was younger, she worked at a flower farm and flower shop run by her family. Sumi wanted to go to college, but she had to take care of her grandmother, who got in an accident, and general household affairs. After her grandmother, Sumi also had to take care of her father and mother. Now, Sumi is 65 and she has never had a boyfriend. She is proud that she worked so hard, but now she wishes she could live a new life and become young again.

One day, Sumi wakes up and finds herself with the appearance of a 20-year-old.


Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Japan

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