Succession War – 天命

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June 25, 2018
Succession War - 天命 - Episode 01
The Threshold Of A Persona - ID精英

Description: 乾隆年間,權傾朝野的和珅扶植永琰成為皇太子。永琰登基為嘉慶帝,不甘成為傀儡,與謀臣籌謀反擊。和珅遭伏擊之夜掀起戰幔,兩位清朝最高權力者展開二十八天的權義之弈!和珅被揭貪污罪證,劫數難逃,弟和琳承擔罪責。和珅為報仇,死命追查乾隆中毒一事,又以自己跟皇貴妃孝和睿一段舊情打擊嘉慶。和珅與二夫人長媚、紅顏知己豆蔻步步進逼,逼嘉慶退位。和珅以為嘉慶定必倒台,惜作繭自困。嘉慶利用豆蔻,令和珅痛不欲生……

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 28 Episodes
Release Date: 25 June 2018
Cast: Ruco Chan, Shaun Tam, Selena Lee, Natalie Tong, Elaine Yiu, Joel Chan, KK Cheung, Jonathan Cheung, Yoyo Chen, Stephanie Ho, Matthew Ho, Henry Yu, Lee Shing-cheong, Jack Wu, Eddie Pang, Oscar Li, David Do, Angelina Lo, Jess Sum, Pinky Cheung

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