Steps – 舞動全城

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January 28, 2019
Next Year - Next Kin - 愛情全盒
The Art of Being Together - 偷心大少

Description: Exotic Salsa, Fussy CHA CHA CHA, Flirtatious Tango, A Mixture of Dancing Harmony Ballroom dancing emphasizes rhythm and mutual trust between the partners. If we can apply the same philosophy to our daily communication practices, we are likely to find ourselves in greater harmony and our lives will surely be enriched. Dance lover LEE SUM-YING (Liu Bernice Jan) is going to audition for a place in the Hong Kong Dance Company. Before the audition starts, she bumps into her brother LEE LIK-KEUNG (Lai Yiu Cheung) and his colleague CHING KA-TSUN (Steven Ma) at a supermarket, where she is accidentally run over by TSUN’s trolley and hurts herself. Due to her leg injury, YING does not perform well in the audition and fails the assessment. At the invitation of TSUN’s mother, YING goes to teach Latin dance at a local community center, in the hope that she can save up enough money for further studies abroad. YING has a very warm personality and is well-liked by many of her students. Her popularity eventually lands her a teaching job at a dance workshop, which makes another dance tutor CHING KA-MAN (Chen Fa La) incredibly jealous. MAN dislikes YING so much that she means to make things difficult for her in every possible way. YEUNG SZE-MAN (Tsui Tsz Shan), the daughter of TSUN’s boss, is appointed to take charge of the company. In order to improve staff morale, MAN has announced a series of reforms. She needs her staff to learn dancing so that they can get more physical exercise. YING is hired as the dance teacher of TSUN and his colleagues. TSUN who has some knowledge in dancing has soon resumed his interest in this expressive form of art. YING and TSUN have gradually developed a close bond with each other and even decided to take part in an international dance competition as partners. But the pair’s relationship is put to the test when TSUN and KEUNG later fall out over business matters. The discord between the two men has put YING in dilemma …

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2007
Cast: Bernice Liu, Steven Ma, Wayne Lai, Kate Tsui, Fala Chen, Claire Yiu, Matthew Ko, Stephen Huynh

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