Spring Love (Cantonese) – 美人龍湯

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October 19, 2015
Spring Love (Cantonese) - 美人龍湯 - Episode 01
Chocolat (Cantonese) - 流氓蛋糕店

300px-Spring_Love_promotional_posterDescription: After his mother’s death, Long Tai (Mike He) returns to Taiwan in search for his long lost father and twin brother. When people mistake him for his brother, who has left the country, he perpetuates the mistake; the change does not go unnoticed by his brother’s foe, Zhao Ren Hu (Nylon Chen), who has planned on defeating Long Tian He (Mike He). In a festival competition, Zhao tries to take over Long’s hot spring, but is defeated by Long Tai: as per agreement, Zhao sends his sister (DaYuan Lin) to Long’s house to work as an indenture servant for a year, but secretly orders her to spy on Long. But his sister has other things in mind.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Taiwan
Director: Jim Wang
Cast: Mike He, DaYuan Lin, Sato Mai,Nylon Chen

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