Special Female Force – 辣警霸王花

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July 7, 2019
P Storm - P風暴
Love In The Buff - 春嬌與志明

Description:25 years ago, a group of female agents went undercover in a five-star hotel in Bangkok to investigate international terrorist, Gu Zhi Jin. An accidental explosion at the hotel killed many of the female agents except the leader, Madam Fong, as well as Gu. In present time, Madam Fong meets a group of girls and trains them as her apprentices. She is now on a mission to capture the terrorist she missed 25 years ago.

Action, Comedy
Eliza Sam, Joyce Cheng, Tong Bing Yu
Wilson Chin
102 Minutes
13 October 2016
Production company(s):
Sun Entertainment Culture Limited




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