Slow Boat Home – 情越海岸線

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February 13, 2024
Slow Boat Home - 情越海岸線 - Episode 01
Justice Sung Begins (2024) - 狀王之王

Description: Born and raised in Cheung Chau, CHEUNG BO SAN’s (Raymond Wong) nature ofbeing too ambitious but having little talent, drove his father CHEUNG SING MUI’s (Elliot Ngok) seafood restaurant business to bankruptcy. BO SAN felt disheartened and depressed, but fortunately he had a female director CHENG PO PO (Aimee Chan) by his side supporting him. When BO SAN crashed his boat and broke his leg, PO PO was willing to push him around in his wheel chair. Meanwhile, KWOK HEI MAN (Selena Li) suddenly gives up on her career and goes back to Cheung Chau to help her mother YIP WING SAN (Susan Tse) manage their resort business. It turns out, HEIMAN secretly worked on a project to develop a hotel kingdom with another person and intentionally started a relationship with BO SAN to upset PO PO. HEI MAN’s motives were all seen by her first love CHING LAIWING (Ruco Chan). WING could not accept her wrongdoings at all, so now he and PO PO were in the same boat. When PO PO was prepared to give up searching for her true identity and go back to the U.S, the resort business suddenly gets bought out and causes a turning point…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 2013
Cast: Ruco Chan, Raymond Wong, Aimee Chan, Selena Li, Matt Yeung, Susan Tse, Cilla Kung, Elliot Yue, Cilla Lok, Elliot Ngok, Angelina Lo, Lee Yee Man, Patrick Tang, Ram Chiang, Eric Li, Jess Shum, Sammy Sum, Oceane Zhu, Jacky Wong

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