Sister Cupid – 天賜良緣
Description: Kam Yu-yee (Carol Cheng) and Kam Kat-cheung (Jacky Cheung) are siblings orphaned at a young age and were dependent on one another since. Yu-yee is a madame of a nightclub who is dedicated in her job is very loving towards her younger brother although she has never been fond of Kat-cheung’s girlfriend, Jackie (Pat Ha), who he had met since childhood. In order to retaliate against Yu-yee, Jackie instigates a plan to elope with Kat-cheung, but they end up in a traffic accident on their way and rolled down a mountain slope where Kat-cheung was rescued by a dead spirit who has entrenched for two decades. Since Jackie failed to elope with Kat-cheung, she moves next door to him instead and calls her cousin, Benjamin (Natalis Chan) to retaliate against Yu-yee, much to the annoyance to Kat-cheung. Aside from battling Jackie, Yu-yee also wishes to seek a breakthrough in her career and spends major efforts pleasing her boss, Big Sister (Tang Pik-wan). Big Sister dearly misses her only daughter, Yuk, who drowned to death twenty years ago and holds a dance party annually to commemorate her. To please her boss, Yu-yee suggests to Big Sister she should plan a ghost marriage for Yuk and Yu-yee is tasked to find a ghost son in-law for Big Sister. As the completion time of her task is getting close, Yu-yee gives her brother’s birthday and eight characters of horoscope and a jar of peanut powder posing as bone ashes to Big Sister for the ghost marriage. At the night of the wedding, Kat-cheung unknowingly gets drunk in big sister’s mansion and sees Yuk dressed in a wedding dress and having deja vu of meeting Yuk before and spend the night together.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 1987
Director: Guy Lai
Cast: Jacky Cheung, Carol Cheng, Maggie Cheung, Pat Ha, Tang Pik-wan, Natalis Chan
The Warlords – 投名狀
2243 0Life Without Principle – 奪命金 Love For All Seasons – 百年好合 Description:電影劇情改編自太平軍譚紹光部降卒被殺,與清末四大奇案之一的刺馬案,與史實無干。 1860年代天下大亂,太平天國興起,各地起事不斷,清軍將領龐青雲(李連杰飾)率眾鎮壓太平軍,因友軍「魁字營」作壁上觀而兵力不支,全軍覆沒。龐裝死躲過一劫,在流亡的路上和逃出土匪窩的前揚州歌女蓮生(徐靜蕾飾)萌生感情。龐為了有飯可吃,加入姜午陽(金城武飾)招募的土匪隊伍,在搶劫太平軍的糧車過程中顯露戰鬥才華,獲姜午陽及姜的義兄-趙二虎(劉德華飾)賞識,但是龐此時方知蓮生是趙二虎的妻子。不久,魁字營鎮壓土匪窩,搶走了糧食。龐鼓動趙和姜兩人加入清軍,以獲得軍械武器,便可不再被欺負。為了表示忠誠,三個人各殺了一名路人,立「投名狀」結拜為兄弟,龐做大哥。 龐率眾投靠朝廷軍機處,成立「山字營」。山字營在龐青雲的指揮下以少勝多,攻佔太平軍治下的滁州,聲勢大振,爾後圍困蘇州。蘇州城內的太平軍和城外的山字營都面臨斷糧,龐青雲從老對手魁字營以將來對分攻陷天京的戰功為條件,借來十日的糧食。此時,趙二虎潛入蘇州,蘇州太平將領黃文金為了士兵和百姓不餓死,自願死於趙二虎的刀下,讓士兵投降回家。但龐為了節省有限的糧食,還是殺死了投降但不願被收編的降兵,趙二虎因不滿龐而被暫時禁錮
Heaven in the Dark – 暗色天堂
2001 0Special Female Force – 辣警霸王花 CJ7 – 長江七號 Description: After sharing a passionate kiss with Pastor To (Jacky Cheung) , Michelle (Karena Lam) files sexual harassment charges against the pastor. The scandal and the proceedings take their toll on both
CJ7 – 長江7號
1868 0The Chinese Feast 1995 – 金玉滿堂 End Game (2021) – 人潮汹涌 Description:周鐵在一個建築工地當臨時工,以微薄的收入供兒子周小迪念當地的一所貴族學校。由於小迪家境貧寒,他經常受到同學們的嘲笑和欺負,然而他謹記父親的教誨,不卑不亢。還時常幫助學校中的弱勢群體,也由此得到了一位體型巨大的女同學美嬌的好感。小迪看見同學的先進玩具「長江一號」,自己也愛不釋手,逼迫父親購買。周鐵雖當面拒絕,卻覺得心中有愧。在他外出為兒子撿一雙運動鞋時,無意間撿到了外星船遺留在地球上的類似橡皮球的智能生物。周鐵將橡皮球帶回家,起初小迪對之十分恐懼,在親眼目睹橡皮球變成一隻活蹦亂跳的狗後,對它產生好感,並將他命名為「長江七號」,暱稱為「七仔」。當晚,小迪夢見他帶著長江七號去學校,用它所提供的各種先進設備考試考一百分,參加各種體育運動均破記錄。夢醒之後,當他真的帶著七仔去學校後才發現,七仔什麼都不會,反而噴了他一身狗屎,讓他出盡洋相。為了博得父親高興,小迪將0分試卷改成100分。周鐵卻信以為真,在工地上四處誇耀。然而包工頭的一句「作弊」引發二人衝突。周鐵拿著試卷找小迪對質,小迪卻表現出對父親十分反感。周鐵回到工地,意外得到包工頭的諒解。好景不常,周鐵在高空作業時墜樓身亡。當晚,小迪痛哭之後,堅信父親會在第二天早晨出現。此時,七仔也在停屍間用自己的超能力使周鐵復活。早晨,小迪看見復活的父親,激動地留下悔恨的淚水,而七仔卻因為能量耗盡,變回原型(毛公仔)。周鐵和小迪嘗試用各種充電方法令七仔復活,但都不成功。當一切都歸於平靜之後,外星飛船再次出現,並帶來一大群各色各樣的「七仔」。 【發音語言】 : 粵語中字 【主 演】 : 周星馳 徐嬌 張雨綺 林子聰
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