Shall We Fall in Love (Cantonese) – 勇往直前恋上你

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September 22, 2021
Shall We Fall in Love (Cantonese) - 勇往直前恋上你 - Episode 01
Under the Power (Cantonese) - 錦衣之下

Description: Yong Wang Zhi Qian Lian Shang Ni / 勇往直前戀上你
A story filled with hilarious circumstances that leave you not knowing whether to laugh or cry. It follows a young man’s journey from nothing into someone who proves himself at work and wins over love and friendship.

Jiang Yi Nan is an unemployed youth with limited options due to his lack of credentials, Nevertheless, he is optimistic and cheerful as he waits among the many people in the jobless pool. During a random encounter, Yi Nan saves Chen Xin Yue who has fallen into the water. Encouraged by his attraction to her and Xu Hao Yu’s provocations, Yinan applies to work at the same company as Chen Xin Yue.

Yi Nan relies on his hard work and quick thinking to not only secure the job but to become the top applicant of ShenYuan Group’s open recruitment. Unhappy with Yi Nan’s happy-go-lucky attitude, Xu Hao Yu makes life difficult for Yi Nan at every turn. His girlfriend Liang Ding Fei, on the other hand, is full of curiosity towards Yi Nan. As it turns out, Yi Nan’s acceptance was a mere mistake by President Jin who tries to cover it up by roping in colleagues to ensure that Yi Nan is pushed out of the company.
35 Episodes
27 December 2018



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