Sexpedia – 大眾情性

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April 13, 2015
A Change of Heart - 好心作怪
The Menu - 導火新聞線

Description: Sex is definitely a very complicated learning experience.  With all the complexities involved – such as communication between two individuals, a couple’s preferences and inclinations, concerns amongst family members, one’s philosophy on life, etc. – we definitely shouldn’t underestimate the impact that “sex” has on people’s lives and the importance it bears.

Sexpedia is a series that uses real life cases as a blueprint to bring out the story of 3 main characters who have very distinct personalities but undergo similarly “unusual” experiences:  one character is a male virgin who, after being oppressed his entire life, deeply believes that he only has one chance in life to make love to a woman; another character is a female who thinks that having a sexual impediment means that she is not worthy of being loved; the third is a divorced male who is overly confident about his sexual experience, yet actually knows nothing about how to please a woman.

The stories of these 3 characters weave together in this romantic comedy that takes a daring, brazen yet light-hearted and humorous approach to draw audiences into an intimate discussion about sex and love.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 12 Episodes
Release Date: 13 April 2015
Cast: Jason Chan , Joman Chiang , Alan Luk , Meiki Wong , Jan Tse , Cherry Pau , Lui Hei

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