See You Tomorrow – 擺渡人

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January 30, 2019
Love Off the Cuff - 春嬌救志明
Heartfall Arises - 惊天破

Description: In this topsy turvy world, every city needs to have its “navigators”; especially skilled guides able to cure the world of a wide range of relationship troubles. Bar owner Chen Mo and his associate Guan Chun are legendary. Though their ways seem sloppy and uncoordinated, their results are first-rate. Supermen in the art of navigation, if you can book them, there is no river of pain they can’t take you across. Girl-next-door Xiao Yu hires them to guide her idol, troubled singer Ma Li, but in the course of helping her find the path forward, Chen Mo and Guan Chun finally face their own problems in an epic act of self-discovery that brings their lives from towering highs to withering lows.

Language: Cantonese
Country: HongKong
Times: 128 minutes
Release Date: 2016
Director: Zhang Jia Jia
Cast: Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Angelababy, Eason Chan, Sandrine Pinna

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