Second Time Twenty Years Old – 두번째 스무살
Description: The story revolves around a 38 years old housewife, Ha No Ra (Choi Ji Woo),who decided to go back to school and experience the college life for the first time. She spent the last two decades as a housewife after she got married and became a mother at the age of 19 years old. Her 20 yearsold son, Kim Min Soo (Kim Min Jae) and his girlfriend, Oh Hye Mi (Son Na Eun) are her classmate, while her husband, Kim Woo Chul (Choi Won Young) and her first love, Cha Hyun Suk (Lee Sang Yoon) are the professors in that college.
Language: Korean
Production company(s): JS Pictures
Country: Korea
Times: 16 Episodes
Release Date: 28 August 2015
Director: Kim Hyung Shik
Cast: Choi Ji Woo, Lee Sang Yoon
Second Time Twenty Years Old – 두번째 스무살 – Episode 02 (English subtitles)
Second Time Twenty Years Old – 두번째 스무살 – Episode 01 (English subtitles)
.2015 k Drama English Subtitle K Drama Second Time Twenty Years Old - 두번째 스무살
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