Second Life – 第二人生

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February 23, 2015
Second Life - 第二人生 - Episode 01
Incredible Mama - 我阿媽係黑玫瑰

second-life-poster01Description: After living for several decades, when one has reached middle age, we start to complain about the pressures and failures that we’ve experienced and regret those ‘missed opportunities’ from the past. But for someone who doesn’t have any dreams or aspirations, what is the point of living a life of such uselessness? The series will explore how the main characters, while going through a low period in their lives, will encounter a situation that gives them the opportunity to change history – however, once the history is changed, they discover that their lives did not become better than it was before. This makes them realize that instead of constantly fretting about the past, why not seize the opportunities they have presently and live life to the fullest?
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 11 Episodes
Release Date: 23 February 2015
Cast: Wilfred Lau , Terence Yin , Joey Tang , Patrick Lui , Bondy Chiu , Ann Ho , Maria Chen , Anita Chan , Samuel Kwok , Bonnie Wong , Wong Ching , Mannor Chan

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