Scarlet Heart 2 – 步步驚情

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April 11, 2018
Lan Ling Wang - 兰陵王
One Good Turn Deserves Another - 地獄天使

Description: An unfortunate car accident caused Zhang Xiao to dream about her unforgettable love with “Fourth Prince”. One fateful day, she meets a man who looks just like the “Fourth Prince” in her dreams. He is Yin Zheng, the stepson of Zhen Tian Corporation’s chairman. To find out whathis relationship is to “Fourth Prince”, she finds work as a designer atZhen Tian. Like any other ordinary newcomer to the business industry, Zhang Xiao is ostracised by her fellow colleagues. Luckily, her superiorYin Zheng sees her as a talented worker and helps her avoid difficult situations. However, fate plays with her again. Just as she’s about to solve this mysterious riddle, an accident occurs, causing Zhang Xiao to lose her memory. Now with no more worries, Zhang Xiao works diligently at Zheng Tian. She gets to know Lan Lan, Yin Zheng’s supermodel girlfriend who looks just like her. Slowly, Yin Zheng and Zhang Xiao develop unspoken feelings for each other, but before it can progress anyfurther, a gentle and considerate Kang Si Han enter’s Zhang Xiao’s world. It turns out that Yin Zheng, Kang Si Han, and Kang Si Yu are all potential successors of Zhen Tian Corporation. Zhang Xiao suddenly findsherself in the center of a power struggle.

Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Cast:  Cecilia Liu, Nicky Wu, Sun Yizhou, Ye Zuxin, Chen Xiang, Yico Zeng

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