Sakra – 天龍八部之喬峯傳

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April 1, 2023
Cyber Heist - 斷網
Warriors of Future - 明日戰記

Description:As a baby, Khitan-born Qiao Feng loses his parents and is sent to be raised by a couple from the Song Empire, which is at war with the Khitan-led Liao Empire. He grows up and becomes the powerful chief of the Beggars’ Sect, utilizing martial arts in battles. However, he is framed for the murder of deputy chief Ma Dayuan by his wife Kang Min, and is kicked out from the sect after they discover his origin. He is soon framed for the murders of his parents and Xuanku, one of the sect’s elders, when he finds their corpses; after the latter’s murder, a fight ensues between Qiao Feng and the Beggars’ Sect. He escapes while saving Morong servant Azhu, who was ordered to steal the Sect’s Yijin Jing.

Due to Azhu being heavily injured, Qiao Feng takes her to be healed by doctor Xue Muhua, with the two growing closer on the way. However, once they arrive at the Heroes Gathering Manor, they are rejected; to prove his dedication for Azhu, Qiao Feng decides to sacrifice his life to save hers. After Qiao Feng drinks with the Beggars’ Sect to sever ties, he fights against them. Near the end of the battle, a wounded Qiao Feng is saved by a mysterious person who kills most of the assailants……

Directed by: Donnie Yen
Starring: Donnie Yen, Chen Yuqi, Cya Liu, Wu Yue, Eddie Cheung, Grace Wong, Ray Lui, Kara Wai.
Running time: 130 minutes
Countries: Hong Kong,China

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