Run Papa Run – 一個好爸爸
Description: The blacksocialist, Ly Thien An, plays a lost role from a young age. He was alwaysguided by his godmother to the bright road. But her words pointing to one earon this side again passed through the other ear until he met and fell in lovewith female lawyer My Bao (Luu Anh Anh plays). Then she became pregnant andmoved into his apartment. When the child named Hy Nhi was born, he changed hislife. He changed from a gangster who didn’t fear anything into a great father.His secret was discovered by My Bao when he grew up. Joyful wants her father toenter the righteous path. He had to choose between the brotherhood and the loveof the family and the love of the father and son
古惑仔李天恩自幼與母親關係惡劣,遇上美女律師美寶,讓他有了愛的感覺。二人結為夫妻,誕下女兒喜兒,天恩努力隱瞞其黑道身份,不惜改紋身、信教領洗、開補習社做校長,甚至做無間道,甘心為喜兒作出極大改變。 喜兒隨著年齡增長也意識到父親的黑社會身份但未說破,天恩也一直想脫離黑社會生活,但總是人在江湖身不由己,補習班虧損連連也讓天恩與美寶為了生計吵鬧。一日喜兒與一男子交往被天恩撞見,天恩發現該男子為劉警官之子,希望劉警官不要告訴喜兒自己是黑道的身份,在與劉警官交談後決心正式脫離黑道,表面上被社團逼回頭做黑道事業,實際上暗中與警方合作破獲販毒組織,於一場與泰國人的毒品交易槍戰中被自己的小弟-同時是警方臥底的雞仔故意開槍打中大腿,製造落水死亡的假象以徹底脫離黑社會組織,後來也煞有其事的為天恩舉辦喪理。詐死的天恩躲藏海外多年,頭髮鬢鬚皆已斑白,犧牲了見證女兒成長與結婚的重要時刻,但換來了妻女的安逸生活,最後於教堂中祈禱,冀望有一天能與妻女重聚,享受回歸常人的天倫之樂。
Ancient Paradise, Liu Yi, Miao Kha Tu.
Truong Ngai Gia
April 10, 2008 (Singapore)
Production company(s):
JCE Movies Limited
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