Revolutionary Love (English subtitles) – 변혁의 사랑

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October 14, 2017
Revolutionary Love (English subtitles) - 변혁의 사랑 - Episode 01
Black (English subtitles) - 블랙

Description: The drama is about a third generation chaebol who suddenly becomes jobless and does part-time work to earn his living.

Byun Hyuk (Choi Si Won)is a son from a wealthy family who runs a large company. He lives a happy life without any specific goals. He is confident around women and he is also naive, with a warm heart. Due to some problem, he begins to live in an studio in a poor area and hides his background. Meanwhile, Baek Joon (Kang So Ra)lives in the same area. She works part-time jobs to make ends meet. Baek Joon graduated from a good university, but she was unable to land ajob at a company and begin taking part-time jobs. She is positive and full of justice, but her life changes when Byun Hyuk appears.

Language: Korea
Country: Korea
Times: 16 Episodes
Release: 14 October 2017
Director: Song Hyun Wook
Cast:  Choi Si Won, Kang So Ra, Gong Myung, Lee Jae Yoon, Choi Kyu Hwan
Genre:  Comedy, Romance

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