Relic of an Emissary – 洪武三十二

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March 15, 2018
VR Exorcist - VR 驅魔人
Seven Sisters - 七姊妹

Description: The founder and first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, CHU YUEN-CHEUNG have just passed away. CHU WAN-MAN (Joel Chan), who is the son of his designated heir, is made his successor.
MAN’s bodyguard NGO SIU-FUNG (Michael Tse) is ordered to search for CHEUNG’s lost will and in the course of his investigation, he gets to know the Prince of YIN CHU TAI’s (Joe Ma) counsellor, MA SAM-PO (Sammul Chan).
FUNG and PO appreciate and respect each other, but FUNG reminds himself not to drop his guard, as TAI is coveting the throne of MAN.
One day, FUNG loses his memory during a mission and has turned from a cruel person into a sympathy filled man. PRINCESS WING-YEUNG (Elanne Kong) has never liked or trusted brocade guards so she tells PO, a good friend of hers, to guard against FUNG.
MAN still thinks very highly of FUNG, but FUNG has become distrustful since his accident and for a reason he does not know, he finds the mysterious SHUM TSIN-SAM (Kate Tsui) and TAI, to be familiar.
Later when he comes to know a secret mission, he is caught in a dilemma of anger and guilt.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2011
Cast: Joe Ma, Michael Tse, Sammul Chan, Kate Tsui, Elanne Kong, Skye Chan, Macy Chan, Sire Ma, Leung Ka Ki, Charmaine Li, Yoyo Chen, Joel Chan, Lau Kong, Wilson Tsui, Li Ka Sing, Ng Ka Lok, Ruco Chan, Wong Ching, Leung Kin Ping, Angel Chiang
Genre: Action, Historical, Martial Arts

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