Queen of Mystery 2 (Cantonese) – 推理的女王2

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January 12, 2019
Blessing of the Sea (English subtitles) - 용왕님 보우하사
Liver or Die (English subtitles) - 왜그래 풍상씨

Description: 推理的女王 2
This drama tells the story of a prosecutor’s wife who’s always dreamed of being a detective. After actually solving a case, she ends upin an unlikely crime-fighting duo with a young police captain.

Yoo Seol Ok (Choi Kang Hee)like mystery novels and dream to become a detective, but she gave up her dream after marrying and become a housewife with a husband who worksas a prosecutor. She then meets Ha Wan Seung (Kwon Sang Woo) who is a passionate detective and they decide to collaborate to solve a case.
Comedy, Mystery
Choi Kang Hee, Kwon Sang Woo, Park Byung Eun, Oh Min Suk, Kim Hyun Sook
Choi Yoon Suk
16 Episodes
28 February 2018

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