Queen Dugu (Mandarin) – 獨孤皇后

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February 10, 2019
Queen Dugu (Mandarin) - 獨孤皇后 - Episode 01
National Treasure’s Extraordinary Journey (Mandarin) - 國寶奇旅

Description: Dugu Huang Hou / The Unique China Queen / Empress Du Gu / Empress Dugu / 独孤皇后
After their family was wrongfully persecuted due to the machinations of a corrupt official, Dugu Jia Luo held strict expectations for herself to be independent and strong even at a young age. Her husband Yang Jian is a man of great spirit. He is a warrior, skilled in battle, who rises up the ranks to become the Emperor. With Dugu Jia Luo by his side, they succeed in uniting the country under the Sui Dynasty. The husband and wife stay in a monogamous relationship despite their imperial status and come to be revered by people as the two saints due to their extraordinary contributions to a new golden age.


50 Episodes
11 February 2019

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