Queen Divas-新抱喜相逢

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January 25, 2020
The Winter Melon Tale - 大冬瓜
A Recipe For The Heart - 美味天王



Description: Being raised in a scholarly family, Nancy Sit not only takes good care of her family, she also keeps her husband’s business running in good order. Her sons Evergreen Mak and Pierre Ngo have yet to marry, but they each develop an underground relationship with a popular actress. Nancy begrudgingly accepts them into the family. Joyce Tang, the queen of dramas, and Angela Tong, the queen of comedies, take their rivalry from the entertainment circle into the household. Their seemingly kind mother-in-law, Nancy, actually hides a dagger behind her smile. The act the three women put on in front of each other is worthy of an Oscar nomination and creates many humorous moments. It is not until Nancy discovers someone has embezzled from the company, throwing the family into financial trouble, that each person’s hidden secret is revealed…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 20 January 2014
Cast: Nancy Sit, Joyce Tang, Angela Tong, Pierre Ngo, Evergreen Mak, Yu Yeung
Genre: Modern Drama, Family

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