Princess Hours (Cantonese) – 宮

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July 11, 2017
Perfect Bride (Cantonese) - 同居家事
Shopaholic Louis (Cantonese) - 購物王路易

Description: The show is set in an alternate, 21st-century Korea which has retained its monarchy and imperial family since 1945. The series focuses on the lives of Crown Prince Lee Shin of Korea, and his new bride, Chae-kyeong.

The series starts off with the news that Shin’s father, Emperor Lee Hyeon of Korea, is seriously ill. There is a grim outlook on the King’s health, driving the imperial family to find Shin a suitable consort that will allow him to ascend to the throne if the situation requires. Despite being in love with the ambitious and talented ballerina Hyo-rin (whom he initially proposed to and was rejected), Prince Shin eventually marries a commoner to whom he was betrothed by his grandfather, the late Emperor Seongjo, in an agreement with the girl’s grandfather. His new wife is the headstrong yet lovable Chae-kyeong, and despite initially feeling nothing for each other, love eventually blossoms between the couple.

Matters are further complicated with the return of Lee Yul and his mother, Lady Hwa-young, who was once Crown Princess before the death of her husband, the late Crown Prince Lee Soo, and older brother of the reigning King. Yul and his mother were driven out of the palace some time after the death of his father, and it is revealed that this was because the King discovered an affair between Lady Hwa-young and the current King, who is his father’s younger brother. Lady Hwa-young has returned to restore her son’s place in the line of succession to the throne, which she believes remains rightfully his. A series of events befalls the palace with the schemes Yul’s mother carries out, and these are further intensified by the various scandals involving the royal family. Shin maintains an extramarital affair with his old flame, Hyo-rin, while Yul himself developing feelings for Chae-kyeong. Things get out of hand and the royal family takes matters into their own hands.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Director: Hwang In-roi
Cast: Ju Ji-hoon, Yoon Eun-hye, Kim Jeong-hoon, Song Ji-hyo
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama

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