Police Cadet ’84 – 新紮師兄

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September 14, 2023
Police Cadet '84 - 新紮師兄 - Episode 01
The Saga Of The Lost Kingdom - 贏單傳奇

Description: 自小有服務社會志向的張偉杰,中三畢業後,便考進少年警察訓練學校。在學堂中,他認識了四位好友,他們同甘共苦。畢業後,偉杰埋頭工作,在警界裏平步青雲,成就直迫大學畢業、亦是投身警界的同父異母兄弟張家明。偉杰因工作而冷落女友謝穎之,好友喬志豪更乘虛而入。家明之妹張家汶則戀上偉杰之師兄倪峰。

A.K.A:新扎师兄 / Sun Jak Si Hing / Xin Za Shi XiongGenre:Action
Times:32 Episodes
Release Date:29 October 1984
Production company(s):TVB
Cast:Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau, Sean Lau, David Lui, Eddie Kwan

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