Paris Holiday – 巴黎假期
Description: Set in the romantic city of Paris, the film tells the story of a mismatched pair of roommates (Louis Koo and Amber Kuo), who end up falling hopelessly in love with each other….
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 112 Minutes
Release Date: July 23, 2015
Director: James Yuen
Cast: Louis Koo, Amber Kuo
Confession of Pain – 傷城
2232 0A Better Tomorrow 1986 – 英雄本色 Goodbye Mammie (1986) – 再見媽咪 Description:兇殺組總督察劉正熙(梁朝偉 飾)布下天衣無縫的殺局,謀殺太太周淑珍的父親─隱形富豪周元勝(岳華 飾),所有證據指向兩個無業遊民。案發後一星期,兩人被發現伏屍西貢村屋,警方及律政署迅速結案。周淑珍(徐靜蕾 飾)卻對這案產生懷疑,找了劉正熙的生死之交,一個終日喝至爛醉的酒鬼私家偵探丘健邦(金城武 飾)調查。儘管酗酒情況嚴重,與女友細鳳(舒淇 飾)的關係撲朔迷離,但對兇案,丘建邦卻是眾人皆醉我獨醒,他一步一步迫向事實真相。劉正熙兵來將擋,將計劃重重變奏,最後逍遙法外。更布局殺害精神崩潰的妻子,計劃盡在他計算之中,可是千算萬算,沒算過自己對周淑珍付出了真感情。 感情上的失誤,令案情急轉直下,丘建邦發現劉正熙兇手身份時,方知真相之中另藏真相之際,劉正熙另一殺局,又再展開。一對生死之交,生死決戰。
No Breathing (Cantonese) – 速水花美男
1848 0Kidnap Ding Ding Don – 綁架丁丁噹 The Thieves (Cantonese) – 盜賊門 Description: Like his swimming champion father, Won-il (Seo In-guk) was once a promising swimmer. But when his father dies during a swimming competition (where he was doing his specialty called
The Adventurers – 俠盜聯盟
1719 0To Love or Not to Love – 初戀日記:賤男蜜擾 Colour of the Game – 黑白迷宮 Description: Infamous thief Dan Cheung (Andy Lau) miscalculated during a heist and was apprehended and imprisoned as a result. Five years later, Cheung enlists his longtime partner
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