Paradox – 殺破狼・貪狼

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December 21, 2017
The Golden Monk - 降魔传
Always Be With You - 常在你左右

Description: When Hong Kong police negotiator Lee Chung-chi (Louis Koo) is informed about the sudden disappearance of his 16-year-old daughter Lee Wing-chi (Hanna Chan) during her trip to Pattaya, he decides to travel to Thailand to search for her daughter’s whereabouts. There Lee receives assistance from local Chinese detective Chui Kit (Wu Yue) and his Thai colleague Tak (Tony Jaa) and also encounters American gangster Sacha (Chris Collins).

Clues connect the disappearance of Lee’s daughter to a case involving the mayoral candidate of Bangkok’s urgent need for a heart transplant. Lee also suspects the mayoral candidate’s assistant Cheng Hon-sau (Gordon Lam) of colluding with Sacha to abduct his daughter. While suffering from the loss of his beloved daughter, Lee kidnaps corrupt officer Ban (Ken Lo) in order to get to the bottom of the case. As a result, Lee becomes a nationwide wanted criminal. Seeking revenge, Lee can only ask Chui to assist him in finding the whereabouts of his daughter.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2017
Director: Wilson Yip
Cast:  Cheang Pou-soi, Paco Wong, Ren Yue, Stanley Tong, Yang Guang

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