Pandora: Beneath the Paradise (2023) – 판도라: 조작된 낙원 (English subtitles)

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March 11, 2023
Golden Mask (Cantonese)- 黃金面具
Oasis (2023) - 오아시스 (English subtitltes)

Description: In order to protect her beloved family, Hong Tae Ra must become the First Lady of Korea.

Hong Tae Ra has a perfect life with her beloved husband Pyo Jae Hyun and their loverly daughter, except for one thing. Hong Tae Ra has no recollection of her past. One day, she regains her memory and faces her harrowing past. Her perfect life is now broken and she finds herself in an uncontrollable situation. Hong Tae Ra struggles to take revenge on those responsible for her past.

Pyo Jae Hyun is married to Hong Tae Ra. He is an extremely smart developer, who developed new technology in the neural smart patch field. He runs his company with gentle leadership skills and a sensible personality. He is admired by those around him. People in the political world begin to talk about him as the next presidential candidate.

Genre:Action, Thriller
Times:16 Episodes
Release Date:11 March 2023
Production company(s):tvN
Director:Choi Young Hoon
Cast:Lee Ji Ah, Lee Sang Yoon, Jang Hee Jin, Park Ki Woong, Bong Tae Kyu, Han Soo Yeon

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