Pages Of Treasures – Click入黃金屋

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December 10, 2018
Pages Of Treasures - Click入黃金屋 - Episode 01
The Election - 選戰

Description: Bookshop staff FONG HOK MAN (Chun Pui) always believes that “knowledge is power”. He tries hard to encourage his older son FONG SUM MING (Lai Yiu Cheung) and his younger son FONG SUM CHING (Suen Eric) to study more. Unfortunately, MING is not good at studying at all and he quits after secondary school. On the other hand, CHING is a very smart boy and MING works hard overseas to support CHING’s further studies on computer sciences in America. The two brothers return to Hong Kong eventually and they work in the same commercial building. CHING works as a senior network security engineer while MING works as a junior security guard. MAN worries that the difference in their job ranking will hinder their relationship. MING admires a girl YUEN WAI CHUNG (Kwok Sonija) who opens a paper mud figure shop. MAN tries to help MING establish his career by buying a secondhand bookshop for him to operate. However, MAN doesn’t realize that the virtual world is gradually manipulating his family. CHING meets a romanticist TSU HEI MAN (Yeo Vivien) at work which creates misunderstanding between him and his girlfriend, LUI YUEN YI (Yeung Shirley). MAN’s younger daughter FONG SUM MEI (Ho Lily) indulges herself in the virtual world and she is suspected for stealing exam papers on the internet…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2008
Cast: Wayne Lai, Sonija Kwok, Paul Chun, Eric Suen, Vivien Yeo, Shirley Yeung, Sharon Chan, Jason Chan

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