On The Road (Mandarin) – 在远方

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September 22, 2019
Ji Dang (Mandarin) - 激荡
Diplomatic Situation (Mandarin) - 外交风云

Description: Yao Yuan is a man who fought many setbacks to achieve a breakthrough in the field of online express delivery. This story revolves around 20 years of ups and downs in his life.

Yao Yuan worked his parent’s shifts in long-haul transports after graduating from high school. In his journeys, he discovered a golden opportunity and earns a chance to meet Lu Xiao’ou. She is the daughter of Lu Zong, the president of the express mail service. However, a failed business venture leaves him defeated and he chooses to leave, unwittingly destroying Lu Xiao’ou’s hopes towards love and towards him.

They cross paths many times only to let each other slip away. Lu Xiao’ou becomes a thorn that he buries within his deepest insecurities and yearnings. Accompanied by Tian Hui who tirelessly stayed by his side and in the face of Liu Yun Tian’s provocations, Yao Yuan has no choice but to become Lu Xiao’ou’s enemy as he gets caught in a war between traditional businesses and online express deliveries. Lu Xiao’ou ruthlessly comes at Yao Yuan with all her might and he chooses to go on the road once again. Using what her father has taught him, he reignites his dreams and the passion in Lu Xiao’ou’s heart.


57 Episodes
23 September 2019





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