Office – 華麗上班族
Description: Billion-dollar company Jones & Sunn is going public. Chairman Ho Chung-ping (Chow Yun-fat) has promised CEO Winnie Cheung (Sylvia Chang), who has been his mistress for more than twenty years, to become a major shareholder of the company. As the IPO team enters the company to audit its accounts, a series of inside stories start to be revealed.
Lee Seung (Wang Ziyi), a new hire at Jones & Sunn, brings with him youthful ideals and dreams. Within the neoliberal market, the logic of intrigue rules, complicated by entanglements of love-hate relationships, which weaves a power play and a pathos-laden tragedy inside the office.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 117 Minutes
Release Date: 2015
Director: Johnnie To
Cast: Chow Yun-fat, Sylvia Chang, Eason Chan, Tang Wei
Golden Escape (2022) – 黄金大逃狱
1937 0Life Must Go On (2022) – 深宵閃避球 A Murder Erased (2022) – 被消失的凶案 Description:A small film scriptwriter found a treasure map among his grandfather’s belongings by accident, and the location of the treasure is underneath the prison in Chilang
She Remembers, He Forgets – 哪一天我們會飛
2115 0That Demon Within – 魔警 Integrity – 廉政風雲 煙幕 Description:彭盛華和余鳳芝結婚多年,婚姻生活平淡似水。鳳芝在網上偶然發現舊同學蘇博文的博客,喚起中學時代的「三人行」的夢幻回憶,總是幻想乘坐博文駕駛的飛機,住進盛華設計的大屋。鳳芝展開「尋找蘇博文」行動,重返母校,遇上昔日老師、校工、舊同學,一幕幕青蔥歲月歷歷在目 Language: Cantonese Country: Hong Kong Release Date: 2015 Director:Adam Wong Cast:Miriam Yeung, Jan Lamb, Ng Siu Hin, Yau Hawk Sau, Ranya Lee
Out of the Dark – 回魂夜 (1995)
2234 0Marriage With A Liar – 婚前试爱 92 Legendary La Rose Noire – 92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰 Description: 一场阴差阳错的谋杀案,牵连了一栋大厦里多个无辜的人。 失恋女(莫文蔚饰)在七月半被男友抛弃,于是把自己关在房里,不断往楼下扔东西发泄。两个心怀鬼胎的保安也在此时酝酿打劫大厦的计划。一对夫妇突然间不见了儿子,遂请求保安队长(李力持饰)帮忙。队长进入二人家中却发现了另一桩与死去老妇有关的凶案。而此时失恋女发现了站在楼道口对着一盆花说话的神秘黑衣人(周星驰饰)。队长发现了夫妇谋杀老母亲的事实,遂被追杀。而此时老母亲的鬼魂前来索命终被黑衣人制服。而夫妇也最终被黑衣人制服后坠楼身亡。含恨的厉鬼就要来索命,牵连该事件的若干人无奈之下只有与神秘的黑衣人合作…… 导演: 刘镇伟 编剧: 刘镇伟 主演: 周星驰 / 莫文蔚 / 梁家仁 / 黄一飞 / 李力持 / 更多… 类型: 喜剧 / 恐怖 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 中国香港
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