Noblesse Oblige – 宦海奇官

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January 5, 2019
Come Home Love - 愛.回家
L’Escargot - 缺宅男女

Description: Nuns-to-be Tavia Yeung and Cilla Kung are desperate to find money to treat the head nun’s illness. By coincidence, they meet the wealthy heir of a bank (Kenneth Ma) and are forced to become maids at his household to repay their debts. Tavia often has to save Kenneth from trouble with her superior martial arts skills. Although they disagree with each other, they still support each other during critical times and unconsciously develop a strong bond. With the help of a nobleman, Kenneth becomes a magistrate. His career goes smoothly with help from his brother Joel Chan, who is a governor, and good friend Benjamin Yuen. However, Kenneth soon discovers the corruption and abuse of power in the political world. People around him will act in perverse ways for the sake of personal gain. When he discovers the truth behind the massacre of Tavia’s family when she was young, it gets them both thrown into jail…
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 21 Episodes
Release Date: 29 December 2014
Cast: Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung, Benjamin Yuen, Joel Chan, Ram Tseung, Cilla Kung, Lau Dan, Susan Tse, Yoyo Chen, Lee Shing Cheung
Genre: Comedy

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