New Kung Fu Cult Master 2 (2022) – 倚天屠龙记之圣火雄风

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April 8, 2023
New Kung Fu Cult Master 1 (2022) - 倚天屠龍記之九陽神功
Detective vs. Sleuths (2022) - 神探大戰

Description:This film tells the story of Wudang faction Zhang Wuji who was inadvertently involved in the strife of the Jianghu caused by the Dragon Saber. He went to arrest Zhao Min in order to save the martial arts master.

Country: Hong Kong

Director: Venus KeungWong Jing

Actors: Alex FongChen ZihanElvis TsuiFelix Lok Ying-KwanJade LeungJanice ManLam Tze-chungLouis KooRaymond LamRaymond Wong Ho-yin

Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance

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