My Wife Is a Superstar – 我老婆係明星

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June 24, 2016
Trivisa - 樹大招風
Robbery - 老笠

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Description: The movie company owner Jeff has recruited a new actress Chu Kei as the leading actress of a major Chinese-New-Year-themed movie. Chu Kei soon becomes the attention of the public and all the media go after her for interviews. It has always been her dream of becoming a famous celebrity that she even promised Jeff she will not date anyone. However, she is in fact married to a reporter named Lai Mo. All the sudden, she has to hide her marriage from the public which leads to a big fight with her husband…

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 99 Minutes
Release Date: 08 April 2016
Director: Shirley Yung
Cast: Annie Liu, Pakho Chau, Alex Lam, Jacky Cai

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