My “Spiritual” Ex-Lover – 倩女喜相逢

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January 28, 2019
The Art of Being Together - 偷心大少
The Black Sabre - 邊城浪子

myspiritualexlover-poster2Description: Edwin Siu is a poor scholar whose goal is to ace the imperial exam, but he has failed every time. He is temporarily staying at his sister-in-law Joyce Tang’s lantern store and making a living as an artist. His eldest brother Evergreen Mak is a penny-pincher, while second brother Oscar Leung is illiterate and henpecked by his wife. His childhood sweetheart, Jinny Ng, is constantly pushing him for marriage. In addition, his father, Yu Yang, falls sick. Becoming desperate, Edwin unwillingly participates in Joyce’s fraudulent tactics to sell lanterns. It leads to a huge battle between Taoist master Angela Tong and con-artist Ricky Fan. There isn’t a quiet day in the household with bizarre things happening every day and everyone acting oddly. Edwin starts to notice that there is a female spirit (Nancy Sit) secretly protecting him. Unfortunately, her powers are not strong enough and often causes things to backfire, resulting in many comedic moments…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 15 Episodes
Release Date: 09 February 2015
Cast: Nancy Sit, Joyce Tang, Angela Tong, Edwin Siu, Jerry Lamb, Evergreen Mak, Oscar Leung, Anderson Junior, Kaki Leung, Patrick Dunn, Ricky Fan, Hugo Wong
Genre: Comedy

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