My Lover From The Planet Meow – 來自喵喵星的妳

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October 20, 2020
My Lover From The Planet Meow - 來自喵喵星的妳 - Episode 01
Line Walker 3 - 使徒行者3


Description: Miu Miu Miu, a native inhabitant of planet Meow, applies to return back to Earth in human form in hope of solving the growing marriage problems of her young master’s parents in physicist Garfield Sit Ding Kap and police officer Cat Chiu Yiu.
Ten years ago, Miu Miu Miu once took on the appearance of a cat to be the Sit family’s pet and established a close tie with them. Now she’s trying her best to stay on Earth and to get close to the family once again. Fortunately, she meets the kindhearted Chinese chiropractor, Ko Kwai, who takes her in. In a mere coincidence, she also joins Garfield Sit’s research company. With the advanced scientific knowledge that she acquired on her home planet, Miu Miu Miu becomes one of the top researchers within the company in an instant.
Due to Miu Miu Miu’s natural cat-like senses and agility, she accidentally overhears executives Hill Ko Tin Shan and Natasa Nam Ta Sha’s secret plot against Garfield Sit. As Miu Miu Miu eagerly tries to protect her master, she slowly falls in love with him, which also hits on the nerve of his wife, Cat Chiu.
Out of nowhere, someone from planet Meow appears on Earth and puts Miu Miu Miu’s secret identity at risk…


Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 32 Episodes
Release Date: 17 October 2016
Cast: Moses Chan, Kristal Tin, Nancy Wu, Eddie Kwan, Pierre Ngo, Vivien Yeo, Ram Chiang, Mimi Chu, Wai Lee

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