My Dearest (KR) (2023) – 연인 (English subtitles)

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August 3, 2023
My Dearest (KR) (2023) - 연인 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
The First Responders Season 2 (2023) - 소방서 옆 경찰서 그리고 국과수 (English subtitles)

Description:A love-story between a noble woman and a mysterious man set in Joseon during the Qing invasion, known in Korean as Byeongja Horan. Yu Gil Chae is a well-bred woman from a good family, an arrogant person who believed that the love of all men in the world was also hers, but after going through the weather of war, she became a person who truly fell in love with a man. Lee Jang Hyun, a mysterious man who suddenly appears in the Neunggun-ri social scene one day. He is a complex character with a dark side that he cannot reveal to anyone in his natural playfulness. He didn’t love anyone, so he didn’t give his sincerity to anyone, but after he got to know a woman, he opened the door to an unexpected fate.

Country: South Korea

Director: Kim Sung-yong

Actors: Ahn Eun-jinChoi Moo-sungJi Seung HyunKim Jong-taeKim Moo-joonKim Yoon-wooKwon So-hyunLee Da-inLee Hak-jooNamkoong Min

Genres: Historical, Romance

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