My Date with a Vampire – 我和殭屍有個約會

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August 30, 2014
Lives of Omission - 潛行狙擊
In a Good Way - 我的自由年代

MdwavDescription: The story is based on the future events of the plot of Vampire Expert, a similar two-season television drama aired on ATV in 1995 and 1996. It blends aspects of the jiangshi (Chinese “hopping” vampire) with those of western vampires, while injecting elements of Chinese mythology and modern horror legends. The series is a tribute to Lam Ching-ying, the lead actor of Vampire Expert and a prominent cast member in the Mr. Vampire franchise, who died of liver cancer in 1997. It was followed by My Date with a Vampire II (1999) and My Date with a Vampire III (2004).

Fong Kwok-wah is a Chinese guerrilla fighter from the time of the Second Sino-Japanese War. In 1938, he was fighting with Yamamoto Ichifu, a major of the Imperial Japanese Army, when they were interrupted by Cheung San, the progenitor of all vampires. The two men and a boy named Fuk-sang were bitten by Cheung San and they become vampires.

In present-day 1998, Fong lives in Hong Kong under a new name, Fong Tin-yau. His physical appearance has not changed since 60 years ago. He works as a policeman while Fuk-sang lives together with him and pretends to be his son, who currently attends primary school. Fong meets Ma Siu-ling, the heiress to a clan of ghostbusters who have dedicated themselves to ridding the world of evil supernatural beings. Fong gradually becomes embroiled in a love triangle with Ma and Wong Jan-jan, Ma’s close friend and confidante.

On the other hand, Yamamoto has become the influential boss of a big company, and he commands a small group of vampire followers. Planning to turn every human being into a vampire, Yamamoto unleashes his minions to attack people and spread the “vampire gene”. Hong Kong sinks into chaos as vampires multiply and roam the streets freely. At this point, Fong teams up with Ma and his friends to stop Yamamoto and destroy him.

However, even after Yamamoto dies, not long later, a magician called Yu-meng Sap-sam resurrects him and controls him to do his bidding. The magician is actually Lo Hau, an evil sorcerer from ancient times, and he wants to dominate the universe. Once again, Fong, Ma and their allies combine forces to confront Lo Hau and put an end to his wicked ambitions.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 35 Episodes
Release Date: 30 November 1988
Director: Sin Chi Wai
Cast: Eric Wan, Joey Meng, Kristy Yang, Kenneth Chan, Berg Ng, Pinky Cheung, Chapman To, Cheung Kwok Kuen,Wong Shee Tong, Lisa Lui, Yeung Ka Nok, Keung Ho Men, Sin Ho Ying, Ching Tung, Wai Lit
Genre: Fantasy

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