Monster Hunt 2 – 捉妖記2
Description: Wuba is on his own journey through monster realm. The darker forces of the evil monster king are in search for Wuba. Peace is not restored in the monster world. Wuba meets Tu and BenBen, a human-monster team, and they rescue Wuba multiple times. Meanwhile, Huo and Song are in search of Wuba and reach Monster Hunter Bureau. They get their weapons upgraded and find new friends. In the end, all of them fight, rescuing Wuba from the evil monsters. Finally, Wuba is reunited with its family.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2018
Director: Raman Hui
Cast: Tony Leung, Bai Baihe, Jing Boran, Li Yuchun, Tony Yang
End Game (2021) – 人潮汹涌
1568 0CJ7 – 長江7號 Wong Ka Yan – 王家欣 Description:A world-class hitman ends up swapping identities with a down-to-luck extra actor during an accident. Director:Rao Xiaozhi Cast:Andy Lau Xiao Yang (en) Wan Qian (en)
Buddy Cops – 刑警兄弟
2107 0The Mobfathers – 選老頂 Trivisa – 樹大招風 [BS plugin=””] Description: After the hot-tempered police detective Fei messes up yet another operation, he is transferred to a fictional department that houses all the useless staff the force couldn’t sack. There he
1366 0Warriors of Future – 明日戰記 TULIPS IN AUGUST – 八月鬱金香 Description:黑幫頭子Philip開派對,而警方派出珊、Beyond作掩護,昌混入派對殺死他,被輝發現。輝向珊講出只希望與黑幫做中間人作最後交易,惜四人幫分配地盤不公起殺機,龍等與昌槍戰,昌受重傷躲藏起來,輝背著出賣兄弟罪名返港。Beyond拿到證據上酒店捉昌,但龍等人趕至,雙方發生激烈槍戰,昌受重傷,Beyond帶他冶理。輝向珊說會阻她拘捕昌,時龍兄殺入圍村,珊與龍重傷。龍兄捉輝引昌,昌被虐打,輝與昌反擊。 Language: Cantonese Country: Hong Kong
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