Miss Granny (Cantonese) – 重返20歲
Description: Oh Mal-soon, a 74-year-old widow, lives with her son and his family. She is foul-mouthed, stubborn, controlling and shameless, and has a difficult relationship with her depressed daughter-in-law Ae-ja. She is proud of her son Hyun-chul, a university professor of gerontology, and the fact that she managed to raise him by herself against all odds. One day, Ae-ja gets hospitalized after suddenly collapsing, and doctors strongly advise her to live apart from Mal-soon. On the day she is told by her son that she is being sent to a nursing home, the dismayed Mal-soon wanders the streets and comes across a mysterious photo studio that claims it captures the moments of one’s youth. She takes what she believes will be her last self-portrait for her not-so-far-off funeral, but when she comes out of the studio, Mal-soon is dumbfounded by her own reflection in the mirror: a fresh, young 20-year-old woman.
At first not knowing what to do, she hides from her family and soon ends up lodging with her fellow café shop worker who used to be a servant of her family. With no one recognizing her, Mal-soon decides to make the most out of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She renames herself Oh Doo-ri after her all-time favorite actress Audrey Hepburn, gets a haircut similar to Hepburn’s in Roman Holiday, and takes advantage of her youth. As the “suspicious girl” of the Korean title, all anyone sees is that Doo-ri speaks with a regional accent and walks like an old lady, and that she acts very strangely and motherly for her age. After wowing a group of pensioners with a stirring karaoke tune one day, she attracts the notice of her unknowing teenage grandson Ji-ha, and Han Seung-woo, a TV music producer. Ji-ha invites her to join his heavy metal band, and after she convinces them to switch to more audience-pleasing melodies.
She gets caught romantically between two men: Mr. Park, her now ex-cafe worker friend who had always secretly loved Mal-soon and Seung-woo, who’s doing his best to track her down again.[9][10][11] Mr. Park’s daughter forces her out as she thinks Doo-ri is scheming after his money and she takes refuge in Mr. Han’s apartment.
Meanwhile, the band becomes successful with her as vocalist and Seung-woo decides to take them under his wing. Doo-ri is thrilled to be pursuing a career in music ― something she had to give up when she was young. They are booked for an extravaganza at the studio and Ji-ha is late due to a traffic jam. He decides to leave the taxi and bike but is hit by a lorry on the way there. He is in a critical condition at the hospital but Doo-ri decides to go on stage so as to tell him that his song was a success afterwards. As she arrives at the hospital it is found that only she has the correct blood type for a transfusion. She does the transfusion knowing that it would return her back to her aged condition.
Ji-ha’s band takes off with the sister as the lead singer and Doo-ri as a fan. The movie ends as Mr. Park finds the same photo studio and becomes young. He picks her up at a bus stop and rides off bickering good naturedly as they always do.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Times: 124 Minutes
Z Storm (2014) – Z風暴
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Breaking News 2004 – 大事件
2526 0Godfather’s Daughter Mafia Blues (1991) – 烈火情仇 Hollywood Hong Kong 2001 – 香港有個荷里活 Description:電視台攝制隊無意中拍到軍裝巡邏小隊警員喺街頭被阿元(任賢齊 飾)率領嘅悍匪重創,一名警員更向匪徒舉手投降,令到香港市民嘩然。為咗重整士氣,全香港3萬名警察誓要捉拿疑犯歸案。重案組督察阿恆(張家輝 飾)追蹤阿元至一幢大廈,正要行動嗰時,副指揮官Rebecca(陳慧琳飾)就打算將整個行動現場直播。市民都屏聲靜氣,睇呢場電視史上前所未有嘅「大事件」。 阿恆同屬下戴上微型攝影機衝入現場,就發現大廈內匿咗另外一班劫匪,兩面受敵,形勢凶險;但係Rebecca就將片段剪咗。阿元喺大廈內挾持人質,並且將用手提電話錄影到嘅鎗戰影片發送畀傳媒。片段中顯示警察被悍匪迫退,令警務處大為尷尬,Rebecca因此誓要拉到阿元等人。 Rebecca力勸阿元投降,但係兩幫歹徒聯手對抗警察,談判間阿元愛上Rebecca。混亂下,阿恆成功救出人質,但係阿元亦同另一幫悍匪嘅阿頭阿春成功逃脫。Rebecca從阿元死咗嘅同黨仍然喺通話狀態嘅手提電話中,追蹤到阿元嘅位置。Rebecca從未見過阿元本人,而當阿元準備過馬路離開,追蹤佢嘅Rebecca就大意噉俾阿元挾持。阿恆想追上營救,但係阿元就一次又一次擊退阿恆。阿元帶住Rebecca去殺富豪目標,但警察憑Rebecca身上嘅微型攝影機追蹤嚟到,令阿元行動失敗。本來阿元可以鎗殺Rebecca,更要求佢舉手投降,但係Rebecca話「個show唔可以衰喺我手上」。阿元唔忍心Rebecca喪命,於是向阿天開鎗,阿恆於是將佢擊斃。
A Chinese Ghost Story III – 道道道
2226 0Unbearable Heights – 鐵翼驚情 A Chinese Ghost Story II – 人間道 Description: 小和尚十方(梁朝伟 饰)随师父白云(刘洵 饰)护送金佛去五台山。路上偶遇痞子道士燕赤霞(张学友 饰)杀死强盗无数,三人结下梁子。十方与师父夜宿鬼寺兰若寺。师父外出打探时,十方遭遇女鬼小卓(王祖贤 饰)。十方不受其诱惑,二人争斗,十方念咒将其制服,但仍好心将其放走。十方将金佛不慎丢失,找到后已破成两段,树妖姥姥趁机发难,白云被活捉。十方在小卓帮助下逃出,外出求人修补金佛却不幸被骗。幸得再遇小道士燕亦霞,得其相助。小卓死敌小蝶(利智 饰)出击勾引二人不成,恼怒之际识破小卓与十方的计划,引姥姥到三人藏匿之处。十方在小卓再次帮助下逃出,并救得师父,小卓却被姥姥抓回折磨。十方与燕赤霞掘出小卓骨灰逃出兰若寺,但姥姥已布下天罗地网,众人危在旦夕,最后关头,十方化成佛祖金身,对付树妖…… 导演: 程小东 编剧: 徐克 / 司徒慧焯 主演: 梁朝伟 / 张学友 / 王祖贤 / 利智 / 刘兆铭 / 更多… 类型: 动作 / 爱情
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