Misaeng – 미생

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October 20, 2014
Modern Farmer - 모던파머 : 현대농부
The King 2 Hearts (Cantonese) - 当王子遇上女军官

Misaeng-03Description: Based on the webcomic “Misaeng” by Yoon Tae Ho which was published from 2012-Jan-20 to 2013-Oct-14 via cartoon.media.daum.net. This drama follows the lives of ordinary salaryman in their workplace.

Jang Geu Rae (Siwan) played the board game “baduk” (a strategy game somewhat like chess) since he was a child. Playing the game was everything to him, but he failed to become a professional baduk player. Now he is thrown out into the real world. By an acquaintance’s recommendation, He is able to begin to work at “One International” as an intern and struggles to adapt working at a company.

Meanwhile, Ahn Young Yi (Kang So Ra) is a competent and intelligent new intern and Jang Baek Ki (Kang Ha Neul) is another co-worker. Oh Sang Sik (Lee Sung Min) will play their boss.
Language: Korean
Country: Korea
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 17 October 2014
Director: Kim Won Suk
Cast: Siwan, Kang So Ra, Kang Ha Neul, Byun Yo Han, Lee Sung Min, Kim Dae Myung, Shin Eun Jung
Genre: Romance, Comedy

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