Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg (2009) – 机器侠

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April 13, 2023
A Murder Erased (2022) - 被消失的凶案
Just 1 Day (2022) - 給我1天

Description:The film takes place in 2046. The Chinese government has created the first cybernetic organism, K1, programmed with sophisticated social conscience, ideal for police applications. Initially deployed in a remote village for testing, K1, is loved by the villagers, and performs all duties and expectations flawlessly, except one. Su Mei, a fellow police officer falls in love with K1, creating a problem as cyborgs are not programmed to feel such feelings. Meanwhile, another cyborg, K88, disappears after suffering a neural meltdown, and K1 is called in to hunt down the renegade robot

Also Known As: Ji Qi Xia
Screenwriter & Director: Jeff Lau
Genres: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi

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