Mental Coach Jegal (2022) – 멘탈코치 제갈길 (English subtitles)

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April 18, 2023
Can We Be Strangers (2023) - 남이 될 수 있을까? (English subtitles)
Family: The Unbreakable Bond (2023) - 패밀리 (English subtitles)

Description: The series is about a Taekwondo athlete who is permanently banned from the national team, and becomes a mental coach to help players in slump, heal retired athletes and fight a real match against the absurd world ofwinner-take-all.

Country: Korea

Director: Son Jung Hyun

Actors: Jung WooKwon YoolLee Yoo MiMoon Sung GeunPark Se YoungYoon Joo Sang

Genres: Comedy

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