Men with No Shadows – 不速之約

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May 20, 2023
Men with No Shadows - 不速之約 - Episode 01
Super Snoops - 荃加福祿壽探案

Description: Medical researcher DR. KONG TUNG KIN (Bobby Au Yeung) is lonely and impolite. He’s just a doctor that concentrates entirely on long-term drug research, until he met FONG SIU FONG (Tavia Yeung), who is naturally born allergic to chemicals. Unfortunately, a rule stated that DR. KONG cannot develop a relationship with his patients within 3 years. DR. KONG can only wait 3 years before he can confess his love to FONG.

3 years later, DR. KONG gets into a traffic accident and was on the verge of death, when he encountered the Devil TAI FUNG (Raymond Lam) who demanded for his life. However, because DR. KONG’s wishes haven’t been fulfilled, he begged for mercy from FUNG. He felt he never done anything that offended the Heavens, so he and FUNG came up with an agreement to prove that he’s a good person. With FUNG’s assistance, he was finally able to marry FONG. When everything seemed to be going smoothly, the most ugly side of human nature exposes. Was it all because of the Devil’s trials or was it just the Devil inside that was causing all the troubles?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2011
Cast: Bobby Au Yeung, Tavia Yeung, Raymond Lam, Sire Ma, Gigi Wong, John Chiang, Mandy Wong, Power Chan, Fung So Boh, Bak Biu, Leanne Li, Natalie Wong, Catherine Chow, Ching Ho Wai, Felix Lok, So Yan Chi, Deno Cheung, Russell Cheung, Lam Yuen Ying

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